The Healthy Eating Clinic, formally known as The Healthy Eating Hub has been operating for over 10 years. For a large part of this time we offered weight loss as a service and helped our clients to lose weight if that is what they wanted.

We have always endeavoured to do this in the healthiest way possible and with a habit-based approach. As registered health-care professionals the long term health and wellbeing of our clients (both physically and mentally) is very important to us. We were doing what we felt was the best thing for our clients with our knowledge at the time.

As time has gone on, as a team, we have found that the goal of weight loss, for the sake of weight loss is counter-productive, out of our and our client’s control and frequently leads to poor physical and mental wellbeing for our clients. As evidence-based practitioners we’ve also been spending time reviewing weight science and discovering that weight and health is not as connected as what we once thought. This evidence along with a growing body of research for a weight-neutral approach, has been a key driver of our desire to practice in this way.

Once you know better, you do better. And we are changing. We are currently in the middle of transitioning our practice to deliver a weight-neutral approach that is unique to us and because we’ve been a round for a little while this is going to take some time. If you find weight-centric content on our website or in our resources, please kindly let us know. You may have also received weight-centric advice from us in the past and this was not good for you. We’d love you to reach out and let us know. This feedback is valuable to us so we can continue on our journey of providing the best care to our clients that we can.

We are not ashamed or regretful of our past, it is simply part of our journey as healthcare professionals. We are grateful for the opportunity to continue to learn and grow in our professional development and look forward to continuing to set our clients free from food stress and teach them how to eat well for the rest of their life.